I saggi pubblicati in questo numero di Ars Interpretandi compongono a beneficio del lettore un’introduzione critica aggiornata al variegato insieme di indirizzi di ricerca facenti capo alla c.d. «analisi economica del diritto» (Law and Economics, Economic Analysis of Law) a oltre cinquant’anni dalle sue origini nordamericane, il cui denominatore comune è rappresentato porre in relazione teorie e modelli economici con lo studio dottrinale o la conoscenza scientifica del diritto.
Pierluigi Chiassoni
Modelli economici e scienza del diritto: considerazioni introduttive
pp. 7-26
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75134
Damiano Canale
Forme e usi della Law and Economics
pp. 27-42
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75135
Keywords: Law and Economics – Calabresi – Posner – Efficiency – Distributive Justice.
Sommario: 1. La L&E è un modo diverso di accostarsi all’economia, prima che al diritto. – 2. L’efficienza è un mezzo, non un fine. – 3. La L&E fornisce un repertorio di ragioni, non un’agenda di politiche pubbliche. – 4. La L&E è un programma interdisciplinare di ricerca, non una nuova dogmatica per il giurista. – 5. “Outside the cathedral”
English Abstract: The paper focuses on the methodological background of the economic analysis of law and the different uses of this kind of analysis in legal practice. By looking at Guido Calabresi’s contribution in the field, the paper critically considers the normative use of economic models in law, the relationship between efficiency and justice, and the idea that Law and Economics simply provides a set of instrumental reasons for action.
Francesco Denozza
Il modello dell’analisi economica del diritto: come si spiega il tanto successo di una tanto debole teoria?
pp. 43-68
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75136
Keywords: Economic Analysis of Law – Market Failure – Neo-liberalism – Uncertainty – Maximization.
English Abstract: This paper takes note of the success of the economic analysis of law (Eal) and contrasts it with the theoretical deficiencies and the practical limits of this theory. The reasons for the success of the Eal despite its serious flaws are identified in its ability to give legal form to the neoliberal policies and to frame them into the legal system. The Eal’s success is therefore parasitic of the successes recorded by the neoliberal policies in recent decades. In order to demonstrate this thesis the paper discusses the theoretical characteristics of neoliberalism, the main one being, in the A. opinion, the idea that market failures can be corrected by intervening on every single transaction, rather than on the large aggregates of the market. This change of perspective and the idea (which has been proven wrong by the financial crisis) that a sum of rational transactions necessarily leads to a maximization of the efficiency of the whole system, underpin the conceptual apparatus of the Eal. The flaws and limitations of this theoretical apparatus – illustrated in the second part of the paper – combine to explain both the reasons for, and the many failures of, the legislative choices made in the decades dominated by neoliberal policies.
Diego M. Papayannis
Spiegazione funzionale e analisi concettuale. Sull’incidenza dei modelli economici nello studio della pratica giuridica
pp. 69-110
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75137
Keywords: Economic Models – Legal Interpretation – Conceptual Analysis – Functional Explanation of Law – Functional Kinds
English Abstract: In this article I assess the importance of economic models in the interpretation and general explanation of law. I distinguish between a conceptual explanation, that takes into account the internal point of view, and a functional explanation that focuses mainly on the beneficial effect that legal institutions provide for the communities that hold them. I argue that economic models have no direct bearing on interpretation or on conceptual explanations of the nature of law, but they can play a very significant role in functional explanations.
Roberto Artoni, Carlo Devillanova
Riflessioni sul rapporto fra economia e diritto
pp. 111-126
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75138
Keywords: Law and Economics – Methodological Individualism – Rational Behaviour – Welfarism – Function of Social Welfare.
English Abstract: The paper discusses the methodological foundations of law and economics. In particular, it deals with the capacity of economics to properly model and measure laws and institutions. We argue that contemporary economic analysis of law is generally based on a simplistic version of mainstream economics. This process of simplification of both the heterogeneity of methodological approaches and the complexity of reality have potential important consequences, which are here illustrated. We draw implications for how law and economics should, or should not, evolve in the future, in order to guarantee a genuine interdisciplinary approach to the study of legal systems.
Mariateresa Maggiolino, Giovanni Tuzet
Modelli economici e diritto antitrust
pp. 127-150
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75139
Keywords: Antitrust Law – Economic Analysis of Law – Economic Models – Fictions – Presumptions.
English Abstract: The present paper focuses on the several features of the relationship between economic models and antitrust law, given the significant use of models in such legal context and, in particular, the role they play in the interpretation of antitrust law materials. The Microsoft case is discussed as a significant example. Then, to assess the use of those models, the paper takes into consideration the hypothesis that they are a kind of fiction, and claims in fact that the expression “economic models” refers to a variety of intellectual constructions some of which (but not all) are fictions. Therefore the paper contends that, to assess the legal use of an economic model, and in antitrust law in particular, it is important to understand what kind of model it is: namely, whether it is a fiction, or a presumption, or a simplification, or an idealization, or else
Fabrizio Esposito
Alcune note su di un approccio economico ordinalista allo studio del diritto
pp. 151-184
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75140
Keywords: Adoption – Competition – Efficiency – Posner – Utility.
English Abstract: The purpose of this essay is to outline the core structure of an ordinal economic approach to the study of law. This method does not measure individual preferences in terms of willingness to pay, nor does it assume the maximization of society’s well-being as its goal. Instead, it adopts an ordinal conception of utility, it describes voluntary interactions in terms of market transactions and it assumes the protection of consumer’s welfare as its goal. Hence, the analysis requires to individuate market failures and to search for counteracting institutions in the legal system. In order to support this approach, it is argued that the maximization of consumer’s welfare finds a foundation in economic theory sounder than the maximization of society’s welfare. Moreover, this criterion avoids contradictions regarding the evaluation of market power. A discussion on the adoption system is used for comparing the traditional and the ordinal methods of economic analysis of law.
Ivan Pupolizio
Coase, Hayek e la «grande dicotomia» tra diritto pubblico e diritto privato
pp. 185-204
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75141
Keywords: Hierarchy – Market – Cosmos – Taxis – Dichotomy.
English Abstract: In this paper, a comparison between two dichotomies is carried out: the hierarchy/market dichotomy, proposed by Coase, and the “taxis”/”cosmos” one, proposed by Hayek. Although made for different purposes, and at different levels of abstraction, those two well-known economic “ideal types” clearly share a common ground. The latter is then paralleled with one of the “great dichotomies” of legal thinking, according to Bobbio, that is, public/private law. The Hayekian dichotomy proves here to be consistent with a legal tradition that splits the legal universe into two quite separate halves. Finally, the ubiquitous integration of “orders” and “organizations” is traced back to the Roman private law, and to the Greek “polis”, in order to reveal some implicit assumptions on which these economic and legal models rest.
Germano Rossini
Paolo Sommaggio, Contraddittorio, giudizio, mediazione. La danza del demone mediano, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2012
pp. 205-208
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7382/75142
La centralità che l’interpretazione ha progressivamente assunto nella vita giuridica a partire dal XIXe soprattutto dal XX secolo è ormai da tempo riconosciuta nell’ambito della teoria del diritto. Se tale riconoscimento è probabilmente all’origine della comune tendenza a ricondurre sotto la generica locuzione di «ermeneutica giuridica» tutte le concezioni che lo condividono, l’uso di quest’ultima etichetta, pure difficilmente contestabile in linea di principio, si è però rivelato in parte fuorviante. Come ogni altra generalizzazione uniformante, infatti, esso ha concorso a convertire forzatamente in parentele strette quelle che erano delle semplici affinità, enfatizzando un elemento identitario certamente importante, ma a scapito di differenze essenziali.
È da questa premessa che prende spunto Contributi alla storia dell’Ermeneutica Giuridica Contemporanea, importante lavoro storiografico di Gaetano Carlizzi, volto a far risaltare la specificità di tale movimento di pensiero (d’ora in poi EGC). Articolato in tre capitoli, il volume è centrato su altrettanti esponenti di punta dell’egc – Gustav Radbruch, Arthur Kaufmann e Winfried Hassemer –, non senza essere ricco di riferimenti (anche bibliografici) agli altri principali sostenitori del movimento (Engisch, Esser, Hruschka, Kriele, Larenz, Mengoni, Müller, Omaggio, Pastore, Viola, Zaccaria ecc.). Una siffatta scelta – come dichiarato sin nella Prefazione – riflette in primo luogo la linea scolastica che collega i tre filosofi del diritto (nonché penalisti) tedeschi a partire dal caposcuola, Radbruch, ma è soprattutto espressione dell’intento principale del discorso di Carlizzi, che mira a sottoporre al dibattito scientifico la tesi secondo la quale proprio in Radbruch sarebbe da riconoscersi il fondatore dell’EGC.
Tesi, questa, che si oppone alla diffusa tendenza a far risalire la nascita dell’EGC all’influsso esercitato, anche sulla cultura giuridica, dal capolavoro di Gadamer, Verità e metodo, pubblicato ben undici anni dopo la morte di Radbruch.